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18 September 2003 (Thursday): getting ahead of myself

Daydreams run rampant these days. I ran into an acquaintance who works at a bridal boutique now, and asked her how she likes the job. "It's not bad at all," she said. "Though it does get to you in weird ways. I'm probably not going to get married for, well, never, but I've got my whole wedding planned out now, down to the place card stationery."

There are houses with attics and basements; humid summers broken by thunder, the sharp blue and orange of a high-altitude autumn. There is a rocking chair by the fire, stairs that creak. There is wireless internet access. Whole bean coffee, sushi mats in the left drawer. A nomad pauper dreams of the most mundane of comforts the way a nine-to-fiver dreams of the tropics: Ethan Allen and a mortgage, now that's exotic living! The luxury of a steady routine hovers like a mirage. I've got a long ways to go yet.

posted by enjelani @ 01:48 PM PST

Replies: 2 comments

But what of uncertainty? Bags packed, your car a little capsule of the familiar ready to launch into the unknown. A full tank of gas waiting to be turned into 400 miles worth of new experience, 400 miles of challenge to be overcome by the end of the day. The sense of going somewhere, which helps you dismiss hardships as temporary and amusing, not be defeated by their permanence. As you continue on your journey, the beauty of the world is yours to notice and keep; the ugliness doesn't begin to bother you until you stop.

posted by beefeater @ 20 09 2003 12:48 PM PST

It's great to have daydreams, but don't be surprised (or disappointed) if they don't turn out how you think they will. My husband is not the type of person I fantasized about, my wedding was nowhere near traditional, and my life is not like I thought it would be. But I couldn't be happier, and my reality is so much sweeter than anything I used to dream about.

P.S. Love what's on your nightstand! How's it going?

posted by Soren's Sis 1 @ 23 09 2003 07:44 PM PST