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9 January 2003 (Thursday): i need a pub

The Irish apparently have this theory that every man needs, in addition to home and work, a third place where he feels comfortable, fits in. Somewhere to seek refuge from the other two, somewhere he has no role to play, no responsibilities to bear. For the Irish, of course, it's the neighborhood pub. I could use one right about now.

Problem is, I don't drink.

Actually, I think the real problem is that I have no first and second place, let alone a third. I lost the office/home work/play division months ago, and the disparate social circles along with it, so now my daily world has shrunk into hours of solitude at a desk in the kitchen of a studio apartment. I have no colleagues; I have no family or roommates. There are friends I see from time to time, yes, and those are precious. There's Soren, there are weekend visits with the folks out in the suburbs, there are the occasional merry meetings-up with communities of people to which I sort of, kind of belong. But for the most part, I am alone. I don't usually mind this, but right now I'm feeling a lot more like a sheep than a lone coyote. I need a pub.

posted by enjelani @ 06:34 PM PST

Replies: 2 comments

If you and Soren were closer i'd suggest a little hot-tubbin action down here with our So-Cal crew :)

Sorry you feel so alone right now :(

posted by syndromes @ 09 01 2003 11:18 PM PST

aww :(

If it were closer to home, I'd recommend a certain teahouse. To say that I go there often would be quite an understatement; it's my home away from home. Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it's populated with folks I know.

You don't drink... but in our avant-garde wannabe Bay Area culture, there are lots of coffee houses and good spots for tea, where you can buy a cup and lounge for the whole afternoon. The harder part is finding a place that feels like home; sometimes that includes the coming and going of regulars, whose voices you learn to place and with whom you can even talk with for a while, about anything and nothing at all.

Here's hoping you find a place like that suits you.


posted by m. mellow @ 10 01 2003 09:43 PM PST